Monday, June 15, 2009

8 things:p

ive been tagged by my lovely friend cupid..
love u cupid for your sweet words and comments that make my day:* h
extra hugs n kisses for u

8 things im looking forward to:
1. falling head in heels in love and him loving me back MORE
2. going to lebanon in the summer
3. getting a promotion at work *enshalaaaaa ya rab
4. getting married or any of my beautiful sisters getting married
5. the weekend: i need my beauty sleep
6. getting thinner (since im dieting);p
7. having LONGER hair (its near my target now;p)
8. reading celebrity gossip blogs:P

8 things i wish i can do:
1. be anywhere at any given time
2. open my own boutique
3. finding the ONE and settling down
4. doing my masters in D.C
5. not being too nice to ppl and being taken advantage of
6. go back to the 1950s and kiss Omar al Sherif
7. fall in love at first sight
8. owning houses all over the world: paris,london,spain

8 things i love:
1. my family
2. my grandmother allh yer7ma who i think of all the time
3. my best friend from 20 yrs(mshalla..hehe allh e5aleha ley enshala)
4. my blackberry hehehe
5. my hair:p
6. sleeping
8. dancing like a manic in the car and cruising:P

8 things i did yesterday: a gift
2. chatting online
3. asking advice from a friend abt my love situation
4. take an afternoon nap
5. having a long fone call
6. calming down a friend who was having a mini nervous breakdown
7. wishing for something GREAT to happen
8. watching house

8 shows i watched:
1. gossip girl
3. 90210 -yawn
4. friday night lights -LOVE
5. one tree hill - LOVE LOVE
6. grey's anatomy - so sad
7.dirty sexy money
8. heroes

8 bloggers i LOVE and tag..
1. Cupid
2. M**
4. fxyz
5. a*mode
6. dazzlin
7. cute and cuddly


  1. aww 7abeebti thank you;** oo inshaala u'll get ur promotion i'm sure u deserve it;**

  2. cupid: getting married more imp then promotion
    lOVE U:d

  3. LOOOOOOOOOL loving 3umar alsherif haahahah

    Enshallah all you want comes true ;*

  4. I'd really appreciate it if you check out my blog/new story on this website:

    Thanx ;*
